
To What Avail?

The destruction of it all Time effervescence determines to naught Same time same place Not the same direction Why now? To whom is this interest shown? To what avail? Question not for the time is at hand. Too little too late See you on the other side Whirlwind havoc wrecked upon sides upon sides To no avail Likely surmounted engineering allows for a fortnight To no avail Doom surmounts and takes hold One last plunge and we are over To what avail? Creation regenerates within allotted segments The freedom is ecstatic What worldly binding can hold us now? We will prevail

Sleep Deprivation

You will eventually hear me talk about the power of the mind throughout the streams if you listen long enough. It is the focal point of my whole philosophy on self improvement and leadership training. But if the mind is housed in a body unfit for lasting and sustained success, all of the flowery language in the world would be for naught. In order to develop an excellent mind one must first be in possession of an excellent body. I usually surmise the areas that the body needs attention into three parts; sleep, diet and physical activity. The last two areas are ones that can typically improve through force of willpower alone; sleep however cannot. In a world where we are taught to work endlessly and feverishly it can be easy to find yourself in a state of mind so excited it seems impossible to calm down. The need to get that last couple hours of sleep before the next long, dreaded day can work to keep us awake and suffer even more. In these suggestions below, let me try and provide the t